村上春树 · 298人关注
英文版: Why people must is Gu original and such Where is degree? I am pondering, why be not such loneliness cannot? On this world haunt what does all without exception of all living things seek on other body, as a result we isolate so again however helpless, is this why? This planet is it possible that be with people lonesome won't do for what will nourishment maintain its to run?
火星文: 為什仫囚們都必須孤獨箌洳此地步呢?莪思忖著,為什仫非洳此孤獨鈈鈳呢?這個卋堺仩苼息啲芸芸眾苼無鈈茬彵囚身仩尋求什仫,結果莪們卻又洳此孤竝無助,這昰為什仫?這顆荇煋莫非昰鉯囚們啲寂寥為養料唻維持其運轉啲鈈成?