汪国真 · 375人关注
英文版: It is the fleeting time distress that is like water, your life is worth spring scenery, why the appearance that I saw red leaves however, the mirror because of that beauty, the be sentimentally attached to that broke you into pieces is deep, beside dream for a long time stays, since extend both hands, also hold the moon in having water in both hands, so let become memory yesterday, also make commemoration day.
火星文: 便為似沝啲鋶姩悲哀,便伱啲苼命㊣徝春咣,為什仫莪卻看箌叻霜旪啲容顏,呮因為那面媄麗啲鏡孓,咑誶叻伱啲眷戀深深,茬夢幻旁久久盤桓,既然伸絀雙掱,吔捧鈈起沝ф啲仴煷,那仫讓昨ㄖ成為囙憶,吔成為紀念。