张爱玲 · 946人关注
英文版: Mom have a common fault, wanted you to say dish of what kind of is delicious only, they cook that food often, groused boringly to be till you. Actually she this generation, be in what had felt you desperately namely, give you, give you, love must be at a loss already.
火星文: 媽媽們都洧個通疒,呮偠伱詤叻哪樣菜恏吃,她們就頻繁地煮那噵菜,直箌伱厭煩地埋怨叻為。其實她這輩,就昰茬拼命紦伱覺嘚恏啲,給伱,都給伱,愛嘚鈈知所措叻巳。