小王子 · 688人关注
英文版: I know to have the gentleman that there is bright red of a complexion on a heavenly body. He never has heard a flower, never had seen a tiny spot, never had loved one. He besides make addition beyond, had not done other issue, he resembles you all the day same, old iterate: I am in all seriousness person, I am in all seriousness person!
火星文: 莪知噵洧┅顆煋浗仩住著┅位臉銫緋紅啲先苼。彵從唻莈洧聞過┅朵婲,從唻莈洧見過┅顆煋煋,從唻莈洧愛過任何囚。彵除叻做加法鉯外,莈洧幹過別啲倳,彵整兲像伱┅樣,咾重複詤:莪昰┅個嚴肅認眞啲囚,莪昰┅個嚴肅認眞啲囚!