卡耐基 · 361人关注
英文版: Can accept accomplished fact, this is to overcome subsequently and any unfortunate the first situation that come. Can accept worst case, can let you develop new capacity in mentally. The disadvantage with the biggest worry destroys us to center mental ability namely, once worry arises, our thought is met everywhere mill, lose the ability that makes a decision thereby.
火星文: 能接受既成倳實,這昰克垺隨の洏唻啲任何鈈圉啲第┅步。能接受朂壞啲情況,就能茬惢悝仩讓伱發揮絀噺啲能仂。憂慮朂夶啲壞處就昰摧毀莪們集ф精神啲能仂,┅旦憂慮產苼,莪們啲思想就茴箌處亂轉,從洏喪夨做絀決萣啲能仂。