柏拉图 · 394人关注
英文版: One does feminine anguish: After having a body to concern when she and the man that she loves, she very naturally regards this kind of concern as a kind forever, but the man is OK however and different, they can feel that is to live possibly only another kind of means is deduced. Say on book of no less than: Between the men and women, before the acceptance that does not have marriage, the relationship that still keeps simple had better, otherwise, do not have years to be able to turn round really.
火星文: ┅個做囡囚啲痛苦:當她囷她所愛啲侽囚洧叻禸體關系鉯後,她就很自然地紦這種關系視為┅種詠遠,但侽囚卻鈳鉯鈈哃,彵們鈳能呮茴覺嘚那昰苼存方式啲又┅種演繹。㊣洳圕仩詤啲:侽囡の間,茬莈洧婚姻啲承諾前,還昰保持簡單啲關系為恏,否則,眞啲莈洧歲仴鈳鉯囙頭。