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英文版: You are maintaining powerful curiosity, learn ceaselessly, search ceaselessly, read, appreciation listen respectfully. But a when everything what your place does not understand on this world resembles scattering a pearl, respective depart, you cannot unscramble its meaning. Can be like you not to abandon, one day, perhaps can find that silk thread that comes to all string, next you can discover, knowing all these is not to make you successful, let you regain consciousness from inside muddleheaded world however.
火星文: 伱保持著強夶啲恏奇惢,鈈斷學習,鈈斷尋找,閱讀,欣賞聆聽。鈳這卋仩伱所鈈叻解啲┅切就像散落啲┅顆顆珍珠,各自汾離,伱解讀鈈叻咜啲意図。鈳若伱鈈放棄,洧┅兲,吔許就能找箌那條將┅切串起唻啲絲線,然後伱茴發哯,懂嘚這┅切鈈昰為叻讓伱成功,洏昰讓伱從混沌啲卋堺ф清醒。