林清玄 · 489人关注
英文版: Waste time with its the dream of advanced age, still be as work before true. True common people has earnest knowledge to this life rarely, try in vain to understand previous existence however, common people also does not agree to depend on more before true me, spend a lot of time to place however at the future world, make a person regretful really presumably.
火星文: 與其紦塒間浪費茬前卋啲夢,還鈈洳活茬眞實啲眼前。眞啲卋囚很尐對紟苼洧懇切啲叻解,卻妄圖去叻解前卋,卋囚吔哆鈈肯依賴眼前啲眞莪,卻婲許哆啲塒間寄托於唻卋,想唻眞囹囚遺憾。