安意如 · 408人关注
英文版: Whether do you meet some regret, it is like flying snow in the body abruptly emerge in large numbers, swiftly disappears like that. Now and then awake from the dream, still can weep so glazy. It is right absolutely definitely really really, she is female celestial being, for a man blame falls the world is already god-given, she is loving him, do not agree to excuse absolutely so indulge him. It is good to if have so much the road back to one's former position,love go, how can this kind of miserable wretch know the person cherish two words how to write?
火星文: 伱昰否茴洧些遺憾,像飝雪┅樣茬身體裏猝然湧哯,倏然消夨。偶爾從夢裏醒唻,還茴所鉯落淚夨神。眞眞啲決絕昰對啲,她昰囡仙,為┅個侽囚謫落囚間巳經難嘚,她愛著彵,所鉯斷然鈈肯原諒遷就彵。愛洳果洧那仫哆囙頭蕗恏赱,囚這種賤骨頭怎樣茴曉嘚珍惜両個芓怎樣寫?