简爱 · 227人关注
英文版: A man can give you safe sense, do not depend on completely his height, and depend on his heart is high. Lofty and I had seen the man of nest Ta many. I also had seen short and high-spirited man. A man wants heart high morale to be proud, such ability resemble a man. Of course premise is to should have talent.
火星文: ┅個侽囚能鈈能給伱咹銓感,完銓鈈取決於彵啲身高,洏取決於彵啲惢高。高夶洏窩蘘啲侽囚莪見過鈈尐。矮曉洏昂揚啲侽囚莪吔見過。┅個侽囚偠惢高気傲,這樣才像侽囚。當然前提昰偠洧才囮。