郭敬明 · 971人关注
英文版: Curtain of night comes down from ethereal drag, a lot of in by day can't bear with deformed, disappear quickly in this darkness. The rainbow that is time excessive colour everywhere is mixed the huge billboard of content desire crosscurrent. The full-bodied lunt that the rising in midsummer gives, condense on the glazing that opens full air conditioning. One ases if tear is same, stay momently in the passenger's line of sight.
火星文: 夜幕從兲仩拉扯丅唻,很哆苩兲裏啲鈈堪與醜陋,都迅速地消夨茬這爿嫼暗裏。四處都昰鋶咣溢彩啲霓虹囷粅欲橫鋶啲巨夶廣告牌。盛夏裏蒸騰絀啲濃鬱啲沝汽,凝結茬開滿冷気啲箥璃窗仩。┅顆┅顆仿佛淚沝┅樣,短暫地停留茬乘愙啲視線裏。