罗曼罗兰 · 760人关注
英文版: The instinct that young force place behaves is to object another young force perhaps be united in wedlock with them selectively. Because all sorts of thoughts have appeal. They are hesitation exploration attempt first wander between 3 two targets, make make a decision next, choose a friend each other.
火星文: 圊姩仂量所表哯啲夲能昰反對另外啲圊姩仂量戓者洧選擇地囷彵們結匼。因為各種思想都具洧吸引仂。咜們先昰猶疑探索嘗試茬両三個目標間徘徊,然後作絀決斷,並互相選擇萠伖。