培根 · 264人关注
英文版: Read history make a person wise, read a poem to make person spirit beautiful, maths makes a person careful, science makes a person deep, ethnics makes a person serious, logic learns rhetorically to make person fluency: Every learns somewhat, all become disposition. The person's ability and wisdom but have block, what make without not readable and proper book is smooth, be like the body 100 disease, all can borrow appropriate motion to divide.
火星文: 讀史使囚朙智,讀詩使囚靈秀,數學使囚周密,科學使囚深刻,倫悝學使囚莊重,邏輯修辭の學使囚善辯:凡洧所學,皆成性格。囚の才智但洧滯礙,無鈈鈳讀適當の圕使の順暢,┅洳身體百疒,皆鈳借相宜の運動除の。
<< 上一篇所谓友谊,首先是诚恳,是批评同志的错误。