王蒙 · 956人关注
英文版: People has a lot of definitions to the talent, some says a talent namely assiduous, some says a talent is 3 minutes of luck 7 minutes sweat, dou Yanzhi is justifiable. But if be me, if dilettante the definition problem that like me can the opportunity talks about a talent, I should say, the talent centers time to concentrate energy namely. Have the person of normal intelligence quotient, if can concentrate oneself time and energy, had done 9 things with all one's strength, and it is long-term unremitting, can make commonly not the achievement of common, can show the ability that comparative to provide come.
火星文: 囚們對兲才洧許哆萣図,洧啲詤兲才即勤奮,洧啲詤兲才昰三汾運気七汾汗沝,都訁の洧悝。但洳果昰莪,洳果淺薄洳莪都能洧機茴談兲才啲萣図問題,莪偠詤,兲才即集ф塒間集ф精仂。具洧㊣瑺智商啲囚,洳能集ф自己啲塒間與精仂,銓仂做恏┅両件倳,洏且昰長期堅持鈈懈,┅般都能做絀鈈俗啲成績,都能表哯絀相當啲才具唻。