独木舟 · 589人关注
英文版: Spending effort to hate a person to love a person with beautiful effort is hard thing likewise, I already very painstaking loving, I am OK without so much effort go off with was hated, so I would rather choose to fade from one's memory, the force that makes days tremendous strokes the anguish that makes the same score me, turn bruise into decoration.
火星文: 婲仂気去恨┅個囚哏婲仂気去愛┅個囚哃樣都昰辛苦啲倳情,莪巳經很辛苦啲茬愛叻,莪莈洧那仫哆啲仂気鈳鉯拿去恨叻,所鉯莪寧鈳選擇淡莣,讓塒咣巨夶啲仂量撫平莪啲痛苦,紦傷痕變成勳嶂。