川端康成 · 172人关注
英文版: Insular village feels bored to death. Gazing at the left hand finger of ceaseless activity bemusedly. Because have this finger only, ability makes he feels that woman that is about to interview clearly. Strange is, be eager to wanting to recollect her clearly the more, impression is more ambiguous. In the memory of this complicated and confusing, also have the how much feeling that this finger place leaves only, take him to the side of the woman of distance.
火星文: 島村感箌百無聊賴。發槑地凝望著鈈停活動啲咗掱掱指。因為呮洧這個掱指,才能使彵清楚地感箌就偠去茴見啲那個囡囚。奇怪啲昰,越昰ゑ於想紦她清楚地囙憶起唻,茚潒就越模糊。茬這撲朔迷離啲記憶ф,吔呮洧這掱指所留丅啲幾許感觸,紦彵帶箌遠方啲囡囚身邊。