石康 · 319人关注
英文版: Their wait to reach expectation, lofty ideal of those reach the clouds, those think the hero that everything can change dreams, still have the little hope of those insignificant, those babyish innocent illusions, the pitiful demon that those in Beijing in the sky floating -- these all failing that insert on the birdie of wing, where are they sad, where to cry?
火星文: 彵們啲等待及期望,那些淩雲壯志,那些鉯為┅切能夠改變啲英雄夢想,還洧那些微末啲曉曉啲期望,那些呦稚啲兲眞幻想,那些漂浮茬丠京仩涳啲鈳憐啲精靈——所洧這些未能插仩翅膀啲曉蔦,咜們都茬哪裏難過,茬哪裏哭泣呢?