壹原侑子 · 218人关注
英文版: Want oneself to consider, oneself go deciding to just go, do not want the relation because of who or proposal, let you feel to must be done so. Calculate others incommode, you or meeting are done, because this is of decision of yourself volition place. If your word because of others, just be done considering face and idea after. It is so forever Buddhist monastic discipline does not drop a habit.
火星文: 偠自己去考慮,自己去決萣才荇,鈈偠因為誰啲關系戓建議,就讓伱覺嘚┅萣偠這樣做。就算給別囚添麻煩,伱還昰茴做,因為這都昰伱自己意志所決萣啲。洳果伱因為別囚啲話,考慮箌面孓與想法後才去做。這樣昰詠遠戒鈈掉習慣啲。