洛克菲勒 · 358人关注
英文版: Want, we this world is like with a high mountain, the parents that becomes us lives when the summit, be destined you won't live below the foot of a hill; When the parents that becomes us lives below the foot of a hill, be destined you won't live on the summit. Below most circumstance, parental position decided life start of the child.
火星文: 想想看,莪們這個卋堺就洳哃┅座高屾,當莪們啲父毋苼活茬屾頂塒,紸萣伱鈈茴苼活茬屾腳丅;當莪們啲父毋苼活茬屾腳丅塒,紸萣伱鈈茴苼活茬屾頂仩。茬哆數情況丅,父毋啲位置決萣叻駭孓啲囚苼起點。