小王子 · 275人关注
英文版: If you are right old people says: I see one uses the beautiful house that auroral brick builds, its. There is geranium on the window, still have on housetop it how is good how don't they also imagine dove to give this kind of house to have. Must say to them: I saw a value the house of 100 thousand franc. So they rave with respect to Jing: How pretty building!
火星文: 洳果伱對夶囚們詤:莪看箌┅幢鼡玫瑰銫啲磚蓋成啲漂煷啲房孓,咜啲.窗戶仩洧兲竺葵,屋頂仩還洧鴿孓彵們怎仫吔想潒鈈絀這種房孓洧哆仫恏。必須對彵們詤:莪看見叻┅幢價徝┿萬法郎啲房孓。那仫彵們就驚叫噵:哆仫漂煷啲房孓啊!