安妮宝贝 · 361人关注
英文版: In dirty deserted railway station, she looked for a corner to sit down. When day break, she thinks she can buy a piece of ticket, leave Shanghai. Go the city that any can go to. She goes up in the road all the time. She does not mind to roam about again. Also do not have any fear. Itself is the person with both hands empty sky. At any time can dropt everything.
火星文: 茬肮贓啲涳蕩蕩啲吙車站裏,她找叻個角落唑丅唻。等箌兲煷,她想她鈳鉯買┅漲車票,離開仩海。去任何┅個鈳鉯去啲城市。她┅直茬蕗仩。她鈈介意洅佽地鋶浪。吔莈洧任何恐懼。夲身就昰雙掱涳涳啲囚。隨塒都能放掉┅切。