傅雷 · 306人关注
英文版: Musical dean says your performance resembles running water, resemble a river; Make me think of the Si Duo that capture profit more of the husband indicative. Day uncle says you in one's childhood consider oneself of Si Duo of Chang Yike benefit's husband; And your individual character is mixed unexpectedly some photographs resembled the ideal of Luo Man Luo Lan. River, lai mattress, jiang Shenghao swings... since ding answer, the day is matutinal already... China was arriving the down period of answer dawn, I wish you do China -- of new China -- ding, re-echo world, re-echo the heart of everybody!
火星文: 喑圞院長詤伱啲演奏像鋶沝,像河;哽囹莪想箌克利斯朵夫啲潒征。兲舅舅詤伱曉塒候瑺鉯克利斯朵夫自命;洏伱啲個性居然囷羅曼羅蘭啲悝想洧些相像叻。河,萊茵,江聲浩蕩……鍾聲複起,兲巳黎朙……ф國㊣箌叻複旦啲黎朙塒期,但願伱做ф國啲——噺ф國啲——鍾聲,響遍卋堺,響遍烸個囚啲惢!