稻盛和夫 · 115人关注
英文版: The lover in be passionately in love, in the thing that other people looks dumbfounded, they however remain unruffled. The job is same also, work madly only, have deep love for the job, ability holds to hard work for a long time, one with be linked together, without complain without regret.
火星文: 熱戀ф啲戀囚,茬旁囚看唻目瞪ロ槑啲倳情,彵們卻處の泰然。工作吔┅樣,呮洧迷戀工作,熱愛工作,才能長期堅持艱苦啲工作,┅鉯貫の,無怨無悔。