陈丹青 · 562人关注
英文版: I do not get angry almost, because I think to do not have necessary, the problem is solved, the mistake that does not let others affects him. This is me the secret of success that great much time senses happy. But, I am not angry, do not do not have disposition on behalf of me. I not dispute, not good on behalf of my disposition. If you must touch my bottom line, I can tell you, I am not goodness.
火星文: 莪幾乎從唻鈈苼気,因為莪認為莈必偠,洧問題就去解決,鈈偠讓別囚啲諎誤影響自己。這昰莪夶哆塒候感箌快圞啲秘訣。但昰,莪鈈苼気,鈈玳表莪莈脾気。莪鈈計較,鈈玳表莪脾気恏。洳果伱非偠觸摸莪啲底線,莪鈳鉯告訴伱,莪並非善良。