周国平 · 942人关注
英文版: Just produced a mischief, for example your closest family member is dead, fire or bandits make you lost almost all property, etc, await you to be able to have the feeling with a kind of bizarre light all over the body in those days, as if those who returned a suit of the naked between heaven and earth is former first condition.
火星文: 剛剛發苼叻┅場災禍,例洳伱朂儭啲儭囚迉叻,吙災戓盜賊使伱夨去叻幾乎銓蔀財產,等等,那塒候伱茴洧┅種奇異啲┅身輕啲感覺,仿佛囙箌叻兲地間赤條條┅身啲原初狀態。