培根 · 853人关注
英文版: Although the person's nature is concealed and do not show, but be depressed very hard however, more very few completely can exterminatory. Although apply a depression constrainedly, can make it more violent after pressure is eliminated only. The day life that more or less the habit of long-term nurturance just can change a person only pledges and disposition.
火星文: 囚啲兲性雖然昰隱洏鈈露啲,但卻很難被壓抑,哽很尐能完銓根絕。即使勉強施壓抑,呮茴使咜茬壓仂消除後哽加猛烮。呮洧長期養成啲習慣才能哆尐改變囚啲兲苼気質囷性格。