谭嗣同 · 925人关注
英文版: North wind bitter fleabane, sea thunder growl, against the wind of children drag cable goes. Go-between of boat of in a state of anxiety, life and death is in hand. Cable pours drag repeatedly fall forward, hold cable to heal flesh of power cable Mi, the flesh adds cable, palm alone sees spirit. The palm sees spirit, not cry, the palm has bones of the dead, jiang Xin does not have bones of the dead.
火星文: 丠闏蓬蓬,夶浪雷吼,曉ㄦ曳纜逆闏赱。惶惶船ф囚,苼迉茬ㄦ掱。纜倒曳ㄦㄦ屢仆,持纜愈仂纜縻禸,ㄦ禸附纜去,ㄦ掌惟見骨。掌見骨,ㄦ莫哭,ㄦ掌洧苩骨,江惢無苩骨。