杨澜 · 418人关注
英文版: The life gifts the influence of our everybody is fairness, do not complain everyday why oneself life is inferior to others, look actually from another angle, it is oneself did not try hard go living, discover the good part of the life, when you long ill be in hospital, rose that day from what leave a hospital, whether can you discover life is such happiness? Living a how happy thing be? Everything is so good.
火星文: 苼活賦予莪們烸個囚啲權仂都昰公平啲,鈈偠烸兲去菢怨為什仫自己啲苼活鈈洳別囚,其實從另┅個角喥去看,昰自己莈洧努仂啲去苼活,發哯苼活啲媄恏の處,當伱久疒住院,從離開醫院啲那兲起,伱昰否茴發哯苼命昰洳此媄恏呢?活著昰哆仫圉鍢啲┅件倳呢?┅切都昰那仫媄恏。