张爱玲 · 858人关注
英文版: In the world of this bizarre and motley, can get the day natural and smooth writing too without who. But I believe from beginning to end, had walked along rain of smooth lake hill, years the land of country, those have gone through inexorable doom, taste the person of 100 flavour, the meeting is more vivid and clean.
火星文: 茬這個咣怪陸離啲囚間,莈洧誰鈳鉯將ㄖ孓過嘚荇雲鋶沝。但莪始終相信,赱過平鍸屾雨,歲仴屾河,那些曆盡劫數,嘗遍百菋啲囚,茴哽加苼動洏幹淨。