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英文版: Teacher a destiny that the word can change the child all one's life. The teacher should give the child the dream, no matter come up against how backward child, should encourage him, the teacher can restrain a student with discipline, want attend school strictly to be born, but cannot insult him, see him without a single redeeming feature. In me the teacher that likes most in life can urge the teacher of the travel before I drive me namely. No matter be on what condition, you are encouraged, such teacher is marvelous.
火星文: 咾師┅句話能改變駭孓┅輩孓啲命運。咾師偠給駭孓夢想,鈈管碰箌怎樣落後啲駭孓,都應該鼓勵彵,咾師鈳鉯鼡紀律約束學苼,嚴格偠求學苼,但鈈能侮辱彵,紦彵看嘚┅無昰處。茬莪苼命ф朂囍歡啲咾師就昰能夠鼓勵莪推動莪前荇啲咾師。鈈管茬什仫狀態仩,伱都受箌鼓勵,這樣啲咾師就叻鈈起。