沈从文 · 943人关注
英文版: Life is too fragile a kind of poor thing, not as beautiful as one individual plant more withstand days harships, with the look that admires to nature, observe life instead, make I have to feel enthusiastic but precious, and value person and person's fortunately cane arrowroot. On same occurrences in human life, quadratic is fortunately be won't some.
火星文: 苼命都昰呔脆薄啲┅種東覀,並鈈仳┅株婲哽經嘚住姩仴闏雨,鼡對自然傾惢啲眼,反觀囚苼,使莪鈈能鈈覺嘚熱情啲鈳珍,洏看重囚與囚湊巧啲藤葛。茬哃┅囚倳仩,第②佽啲湊巧昰鈈茴洧啲。