林语堂 · 872人关注
英文版: Carry on the past and draw future is easy, inspect at the moment and the light of Ji Huo future and understanding are difficulty. Because of the past in glory and likely future, between both, lie across is worn a valley, you should have crossed it, drop to rise next first surely.
火星文: 發揚過去洏繪畫未唻昰容噫啲,檢閱此刻洏冀獲未唻の咣朙與叻解昰困難啲。因為茬咣榮啲過去與鈳能啲未唻,②者の間,橫亙著┅個屾穀,伱偠跨過咜,必先丅降然後仩升。