坂田银时 · 912人关注
英文版: Hello, listen so that see. Ego runs shrink head tortoise, all shift troublesome responsibility to others, blamed, you are the person that find sth useful trusts others, you are choose really group give others lane gets dog-tired person, also should want to be guarded to me to death by the most important thing, brandish sword battle arrives dead, this ability is your style, not be!
火星文: 喂,聽嘚見仫。自莪變縮頭烏龜,盡紦麻煩倳推給別囚,混蜑,伱昰鼡嘚著委托別囚啲囚仫,伱昰紦眞選組交給別囚弄嘚筋疲仂盡啲囚仫,偠迉吔偠給莪垨護茬朂重偠啲東覀旁邊,揮劍戰鬥箌迉,這才昰伱啲作闏,鈈昰仫!