李开复 · 303人关注
英文版: I think, I can be accomplished already completely now answer the past leisurely, I understood the word that says in the book already completely, carelessness is condonable it is one kind is saved, he saves each person from the shadow of erst disaster come out, only such, ability and history reconcile I think, I had reconciled with the history.
火星文: 莪想,莪紟ㄖ巳經完銓能夠做箌從容應對過去,莪巳經完銓悝解叻圕ф所詤啲話,夶意昰寬恕昰┅種拯救,彵將烸┅個囚都從往昔災難啲陰影裏拯救絀唻,僅洧這樣,才能與曆史囷解莪想,莪巳經與曆史囷解。