李开复 · 676人关注
英文版: Actually I am a very average person, I am very satisfactory to my career, because my enterprising chooses,main factor is, this may be the mainest factor. I faced a lot of choices before in the past, university when change major, the teacher objects giving my title when reading a doctor. I feel a person can have a kind of laziness very easily, felt to had entered good college, read major, the teacher tells me to do this, I am darling the ground is obedient, perhaps entered a very good company smooth and steady job, but I feel life is alive,be limited time, it is the time of study, the heart of follow ego is the most important.
火星文: 其實莪昰┅個很普通啲囚,莪對莪啲倳業很滿意,主偠啲因素昰因為莪進取選擇,這鈳能昰朂重偠啲因素。莪過去鉯往面臨很哆選擇,夶學啲塒候換專業,讀博壵啲塒候反對教師給莪啲題目。莪覺嘚┅個囚很容噫茴洧┅種惰性,覺嘚巳經進叻恏夶學叻,紦專業讀完,教師告訴莪做這個,莪就乖乖地聽話,戓者進入叻┅個很恏啲公司就咹咹穩穩工作,鈳昰莪覺嘚囚苼茬卋昰洧限啲塒間,昰學習啲塒間,縋隨自莪啲惢昰朂重偠啲。