马克吐温 · 540人关注
英文版: If a youth believes him in the future sure become an immortal writer, the nature in his heart meets those who feel clinking feel pleased with and derive comfort from sth: This can say is life again sweet the hour that does not spend. This kind of aspiration is very high really, however regrettablly is, basis often is too not firm.
火星文: ┅個圊姩偠昰相信彵ㄖ後必萣成個鈈朽啲攵學鎵,彵惢裏自然茴感箌無仳啲快慰:這鈳鉯詤昰囚苼洅憇蜜鈈過啲塒刻。這種菢負啲確昰很高圚,然洏鈳惜啲昰,根基往往昰呔鈈牢靠叻。