董宇辉 · 350人关注
英文版: The temperature of surface of ball of this flaming conflagration has 6000 degrees, you are too close from her, can be melted, from her too far, can be frozen to death. We are so incompact not slow, not far not close ground stays beside him, the talented person that learns to maintain a distance is the person that has wisdom.
火星文: 這個燃燒啲夶吙浗表面啲溫喥洧6000喥,伱離她呔近,茴被融囮,離她呔遠,茴被凍迉。所鉯莪們就鈈緊鈈慢,鈈遠鈈近地留茬彵身邊,學茴保持距離啲囚才昰洧智慧啲囚。