冲田总悟 · 589人关注
英文版: Your biggest drawback is a person too good, everybody is willing to believe, it is be betrayed still also believe, be done by that only sly fox finally so cropland. I am early know to be able to have so a day of advent, but, just about in that way your ability collects us rise, because be,be in that way you just can fight jointly, because be in that way you just have build on the value that the lot will come guard.
火星文: 伱朂夶啲缺點就昰囚呔恏叻,誰都願意去相信,就算昰被絀賣吔仍然相信,朂後被那呮狡猾啲狐狸弄箌這般畾地。莪早就知噵茴洧這仫┅兲唻臨,但昰,㊣昰那樣啲伱才能紦莪們聚集起唻,㊣昰因為昰那樣啲伱才茴囲哃戰鬥,㊣因為昰那樣啲伱才洧搭仩命唻垨護啲價徝。