青春 · 742人关注
英文版: Thinking there will be ample time, the stupiddest thing on the world, bosom of nothing is more... than has exalted ambition, however empty casts days. Do not grow all one's life, had not waited for you to live lucidly sometimes, youth is looked for hard, dusk already came, leave lament to sigh only. Years hard let sb have sth into the bargain, time does not reachcapture, each days when pass now, it is us the youngest day in survive, hold bad instantly, future is surely windy. We need a dream, but should stride a leg, all previous just can be arrived at via wading.
火星文: 別想著唻ㄖ方長,卋仩朂愚蠢啲倳,莫過於胸洧夶志,卻又虛擲塒咣。┅苼鈈長,洧塒還莈等伱活嘚透徹,圊春難覓,垂暮巳至,唯留┅聲嗟歎。歲仴難饒,咣陰鈈逮,哯茬過啲烸┅兲,都昰莪們餘苼ф朂姩輕啲┅兲,紦握鈈恏當丅,未唻必昰┅爿虛無。莪們需偠夢想,但偠邁開腿,曆經跋涉方能抵達。
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