诚信 · 716人关注
英文版: Person ginseng and, in all casting sincere letter; Each tries hard, advance law. With sincere heart extraction a letter is beautiful, lawfully abide compasses career is promoted. Do the person of sincere letter, the country that casting rules by law. Show phonily temporarily, sincere letter enjoys the abundant of generation. Be an upright person to be with sincere letter this, treat city to be with law base. Sincere letter promotes a city grade, law drives civilized progress. Can prevail only false temporarily, sincere letter just can be benefited all one's life. Believe Da Yucheng, fang Nengqin politics. Way spirit at treating, fang Nengxie civilian.
火星文: 囚囚參與,囲鑄誠信;個個努仂,推進法治。鉯誠取信惢靈媄,依法循規倳業興。做誠信の囚,鑄法治の國。虛假呈┅塒の嘚,誠信享┅卋の裕。做囚鉯誠信為夲,治市鉯法律為基。誠信提升城市品位,法治推動攵朙進步。欺詐呮能嘚逞┅塒,誠信才能受益┅苼。信達於誠,方能勤政。法精於治,方能諧囻。