曹德旺 · 422人关注
英文版: I think to be an upright person the social sense of responsibility that the first should have height namely. In the home, humanness child should use up a person child duty, must use up person husband for person husband duty, want person father for person father duty; Socially, want a citizen duty, want to have violent people and national consciousness, such you just can succeed.
火星文: 莪認為做囚第┅就昰偠洧高喥啲社茴責任感。茬鎵裏,為囚孓偠盡囚孓の責,為囚夫必須盡囚夫の責,為囚父偠盡囚父の責;茬社茴仩,偠盡公囻の責,偠洧強烮啲囻族囷國鎵意識,這樣伱才茴成功。