蔡康永 · 845人关注
英文版: The force of love is so giant, love is so blind. Love is blind I believe this thing be present the person of two teams agrees entirely. Fumble in state of a blind when you when, how can you say I am Zhu Geliang for certain, this person that father arrests now is right, be embryo, the person that leave is undeserved love.
火星文: 愛啲仂量昰這仫龐夶,愛又昰這仫吂目。愛昰吂目啲這件倳情莪相信茬座両隊啲囚銓蔀都哃意。當伱茬┅個吂目啲狀況のф摸索啲塒候,伱怎仫就鈳鉯肯萣詤莪昰諸葛煷,咾孓哯茬抓啲這個囚就昰對啲,昰㊣胎,剩丅啲囚都鈈徝嘚愛呢。