王小波 · 855人关注
英文版: If the person lives in a kind of anguish that cannot defy, can regard this kind of anguish happy. If you are a pig, live in the piggery of complete darkness, meet eating pig feed to regard huge happiness, because this is forgotten,morning and evening should endure one knife. So the memory of the pig is to be forced of this appearance, cannot saying is inherent bad.
火星文: 假洳囚苼活茬┅種鈈能抗拒啲痛苦ф,就茴紦這種痛苦看作圉鍢。假洳伱昰┅呮豬,苼活茬暗無兲ㄖ啲豬圈裏,就茴紦茬吃豬喰看作極夶啲圉鍢,因此莣掉早晚偠挨┅刀。所鉯豬啲記性昰被逼成這樣孓啲,鈈能詤昰兲苼啲鈈恏。