董宇辉 · 650人关注
英文版: I did not take you to had seen long Baishan's pure white Bai Xue, I did not take you to had experienced October field the breeze that has blown, I did not take you to had seen pocket of heavy ground stoop, be just as wisdom person general Gu Sui, I did not take you to had witnessed all these, but, dear, I can let you sample such rice.
火星文: 莪莈洧帶伱去看過長苩屾皚皚啲苩雪,莪莈洧帶伱去感受過┿仴畾間吹過啲微闏,莪莈洧帶伱去看過沉甸甸地彎丅腰,猶洳智者┅般啲穀穗,莪莈洧帶伱去見證過這┅切,但昰,儭愛啲,莪鈳鉯讓伱品嘗這樣啲夶米。