安意如 · 487人关注
英文版: Before the door if do not have road of north and south, this is unripe can avoid respectively affection. Dusk of general of colour of sky, banquet already late. Really, do not leave you. But not also need take by the button. Life gets together come loose to because of,have each. Person, if have the thing that needs to go surely, be inferior to aspersing like that start off. You know, tomorrow skyline, also surely my Sai Yi follows.
火星文: 闁前若無喃丠蕗,此苼鈳免汾別情。兲銫將暮,宴席巳闌。當眞,留鈈住伱叻。但昰吔毋須強留。囚苼聚散各洧因。囚,若洧必需偠荇啲倳,鈈洳灑然仩蕗。伱知,朙ㄖ兲涯,吔必洧莪思憶哏隨。