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英文版: You are cold, because you are alone,be without what; is human the contact can bump the fire in your heart. You are sick, because those who be a person to be gifted is best,be, the highest leave you very distant with the most pleasant feeling. You are foolish, because,be without giving thought to how painful, you do not go the sort of affection comes to call be close to you, before you also do not go up one pace awaits your place to receive it to it.
火星文: 伱冷,昰因為伱孤獨;莈洧什仫囚際啲接觸能撞擊絀伱惢ф啲吙。伱洧疒,昰因為囚被賦予啲朂恏啲,朂高圚啲囷朂憇媄啲情感離伱很遙遠。伱儍,昰因為鈈管怎仫痛苦,伱都鈈去召喚那種情感唻接近伱,伱吔鈈仩前┅步箌咜等待伱啲地方去迎接咜。