林清玄 · 132人关注
英文版: We as if jump at sea, although hold the driftwood of life in arms closely, also kept out billow without ability however, just follow disturbance drift along. What just also know principal and subsidiary cause gradually is mysterious, the much of life can not make an appointment.
火星文: 莪們仿佛縱身於夶浪,雖然緊緊菢住苼命啲浮朩,卻┅點吔莈洧能仂抵擋巨浪,呮昰隨闏波浮沉。吔才逐漸叻解箌因緣啲鈈鈳思議,苼命啲夶蔀汾都昰鈈鈳鉯預約啲。