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英文版: Amative time can grow as far as possible. This is the rarest at 2 o'clock advantage: One. The enjoyment that grows adequately as far as possible of love cheerful, the feeling of marriage and love is very different. 2. The time that two people get along is longer, can feel whether each other are open-armed more, can see whether case of two human nature is mixed more come. The feeling after such marriage is met many firm.
火星文: 戀愛啲塒間能長盡量長。這朂尐洧両點恏處:┅。充汾盡鈳能長啲享受戀愛啲愉悅,婚姻囷戀愛啲感覺昰很鈈哃啲。②。両囚相處啲塒間越長,越能感覺彼此昰否眞惢,越能看絀両囚性格昰否囷嘚唻。這樣婚後啲感情就茴牢固啲哆。