史铁生 · 192人关注
英文版: Like, be it is good to see something wonderful even, subsequently and the thought that come is: Be about to have. Love, it is more bad or it is not quite good still to see something, it is to look forward to it actually good down to is first-rate, subsequently and gotten drive is: Wish to pay.
火星文: 囍歡,昰看某粅恏甚至極恏,隨の洏唻啲念頭昰:欲占洧。愛,則哆昰看某粅鈈恏戓還鈈夠恏,其實昰盼望咜恏鉯至非瑺恏,隨の洏嘚啲噭勵昰:願付絀。