蔡元培 · 934人关注
英文版: Use up world mankind and love, this common love, pure like that the ethical sex person that pledge also. And have special love, the person that go between the men and women only, calling love; Criterion the love with ethics, and the love that holds physiology concurrently also. The love of physiology, often have because of the person float only long the different of of short duration. Make from what have husband and wife, and love is chastity solid. This love with ethics, the love of limits physiology, and only then the love that has chasteness also.
火星文: 盡卋堺囚類洏愛の,此普通の愛,純然倫悝性質者吔。洏又洧特別の愛,專荇於侽囡の間者,謂の愛情;則鉯倫悝の愛,洏兼苼悝の愛吔。苼悝の愛,瑺因囚洏洧專泛久暫の殊。自洧夫妻の制,洏愛情乃貞固。此鉯倫悝の愛,范圍苼悝の愛,洏始洧純潔の愛情吔。
白俄罗斯语, 白兰地, 白兰地是属于什么酒, 白兰地和威士忌的区别, 白兰地怎么喝, 白领丽人, 白帽子, 白色垃圾, 。